

A Treasure to Cherish

We can offer you an exceptional rendering of your garden design, created by a professional Artist with an amazing eye and feel for the natural world. Taken from the designers planting plans, The detail shown in these few garden design interpretations, show a sensitivity, an almost symbiotic relationship with the designer’s intention, Diana works with you, as her client, and the artist, to present a life long memory and historical depiction of your garden. Bring your outdoor design indoors, to adorn the interior of your home. A masterpiece in itself.

Follow Up Plant Care

Diana liaises with her clients to assist in dealing with any problems that may occur, to impact your plant’s health, As seasonal changes and trees and shrubs mature, you may require her recommendations on how best to prune, Diana endeavors to work with you to maintain the best growing conditions in your garden, thus, ensuring your borders and trees thrive and exhibit their best for your pleasure, creating a vibrant garden through all seasons..

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